Parametre US calculation

F8 - Cost per hour (USD)
F16 - % reduction in construction time with Fonn
F17 - Reduction in construction time with Fonn in weeks
F18 - Average interest on any construction loans
In percentage. Insert /100 Example ( 4% = 0,04)
F20 - Savings in hours per week for project managers in communication, documentation and structure
F21- Reduction in travel time per week, in hours
F22 - Reduction in number of travels per project due to better coordination
Parametre errors in production
L7 - Reduction of errors with Fonn
L8 - Number of errors/mistakes per $500,000 USD without Fonn
L9 - Number of errors/mistakes per $500,000 USD without Fonn - SMALL
In % ( Insert /100)
L10 - Number of errors/mistakes per $500,000 USD without Fonn - MEDIUM
In % ( /100)
L11 - Number of errors/mistakes per $500,000 USD without Fonn - LARGE
In % (/100)
L13 - Time spent on rework in hours SMALL
L14 - Time spent on rework in hours MEDIUM
L15 - Time spent on rework in hours - LARGE
L17 - Cost of errors/mistakes - SMALL
in USD
L18 - Cost of errors/mistakes MEDIUM
L19 - Cost of errors/mistakes LARGE
P9 - Minutes per mile at 60 MPH
P10 - Time spent per trip in hours
P11 - Cost per trip in USD (0.5 USD per mile)
P12. Fuel usage per mile
P13 - CO2 equivalents of gas per mile (in liters)
P17 - CO2 release per square feet per year (in kg)
P18 - Average lifetime of a building